Wheel Of Fortune Daily Spin

Information about the daily spin to win promotion. The wheel has many special powers available for you to uncover, with the coveted Daily Special being the most unique and valuable. Of course, the Daily Special changes each day, so make sure you snag it before it's gone! You can spin the wheel by clicking on the 'Spin' button in the middle. Each spin of the wheel costs 10 Tyche coins.

Wheel of Fortune is a Rise of Kingdoms event where you spend Gems to spin the wheel to get the limited Legendary Heroes and various valuable rewards.

Wheel Of Fortune Number

  1. Every Governo will receive a free spin at the beginning of the Event.
  2. The event lasts for 3 days and appears once every 2 weeks.
  3. After spinning the wheel as a specified number of times, you will receive a special bonus reward. Remember to click the chest icon on the top left corner of the wheel to claim your bonus rewards!
  4. Note that bonus rewards are not reset daily. As long as your total spins throughout the event meet the requirements, you will be able to claim all of the bonus awards!
  5. Today’s Chances will be reset daily at 00:00 UTC
  6. First Wheel of Fortune appears in the 24th day of the Kingdom.
  7. The first event always offers Universal Sculptures, followed by a specific-hero wheel.
  8. The specific-hero wheel appears 3 times before changing back to Universal Sculptures and so on.
  9. The duration between 2 commander wheels is 56 days.

Wheel of Fortune’s Potential Rewards

  • Play games, enter to win cash and prizes, apply to be a contestant and get to know Pat and Vanna. Official Wheel of Fortune website.
  • Wheel Of Fortune Bonus Puzzle Answer: Tune in to Wheel Of Fortune every weekday for the Wheel Of Fortune Bonus Puzzle Solution of the day and a chance to win a prize during the Wheel Of Fortune Show You The World Collette Sweepstakes.
4x 200k Gold Token4x 500k Wood Token3x 15-hour Universal Speed-up4x 8-hour Training Speed-up8x * Commander Sculpture1x * Commander Sculpture4x 8-hour Universal Speed-up4x 8-hour Academy Research Speed-up4x 500k Food Token4x 375k Stone Token1x Universal Legendary Sculptures2x Dazzling Starlight Sculpture

Extra Rewards

Keep spinning the wheel to receive these extra rewards!

Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game!10 Spins25 Spins45 Spins70 Spins100 Spins5x * Commander Sculpture5x Universal Legendary Sculptures10x * Commander Sculpture10x Universal Legendary Sculptures15x * Commander Sculpture5x 500k Food Token1x 24-hour Universal Speed-up5x 500k Wood Token3x 8-hour Building Speed-up5x 375k Stone Token3x 8-hour Training Speed-up5x 200k Gold Token3x 8-hour Academy Research Speed-up

* Note: The Hero-specific Sculpture is based on your Kingdom’s state. Each Kingdom could have different Hero sculpture.

How to spend Gems in Wheel of Fortune effectively

Guide by Thelo Rabbit.

When a Wheel of Fortune is on, the first question is: How much should I spend?

If you are a P2W player and you love the commander, it’s obvious: Spend it ALL; but for a F2P or a low spender, who knows how difficult it is to keep and gather gems, the question is much difficult to answer.

I tried to create a tool to answer this question for me and for others, based on five important facts:

  1. There are 3 wheels for each commander.
  2. The best worth is to win the extra rewards (in 10, 25, 45, 70 and 100 spins),
  3. There’s a difference between guaranteed heads and probability heads
  4. The commander heads and the legendary heads are the same.
  5. The first 5 spins is 1 free, 1 normal and 3 discount spins.
Wheel of fortune daily prize winner

With all being said, I present to you my calculation sheet about Wheel and Gems!

How to use the Wheel of Fortune Sheet

  1. You need to define the number of gems you want to use.
  2. Go to the “Gems” column (red) to see a similar amount to use.
  3. Check the number of heads you might get in “Total heads” (yellow) and the ratio (orange), which is the average amount of gems spent on 1 head.


Wheel Of Fortune Spin Game

I want to spend 40.000 gems on Khan. I search for a similar amount (red column) and I find 38.400 and 42.000 on the Table. The best Ratio (orange column) is 42.000 gems with 926,1; so, the best way to spend is to do 10 spins in two Wheels, and 45 spins in the last Wheel, to get 20 guaranteed golden statues and 25,4 probable golden statues, for 45,4 golden statues in total, if you’re lucky enough.

DailyRise of Kingdoms - MAX SPINNING RICHARD WHEEL - Wheel of Fortune Event explained
Watch this video on YouTube3.8/Fortune5(33votes )

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  1. Scene Setup
  2. Scripting


In this blog post, I’ll show you how you can implement a spin wheel/wheel of fortune in your game.

Step 1 Introduction to Wheel of Fortune

I guess, you already know what Wheel of Fortune is.

If you’re fond of playing Candy Crush, you should have already spun that Daily Booster Wheel countless times.

Spin & Win from 8 Ball Pool is also quite popular among gamers.


You might have seen it on some reality TV game shows, where a person spins a wheel to get a prize or a task to win the prize.

Do you want similar kind of wheel in you game?

If yes! Then you have come to the right place!

It’s quite simple, but you might find a couple of things tiny bit tricky and confusing.

Worry not! I will try to make it simple as I can.

Let’s get rolling then..!

Step 2 Scene Setup

Let's Setup the Scene.

2.1 Wheel Setup

  • Set your wheel in the scene view. Make sure the partitions on the wheel are of same size.
  • Set small circle colliders on the edges (you need to create another empty GameObjects to store colliders) and set them as children of your wheel GameObject.
  • Now to keep the hierarchy neat & tidy you can create another empty GameObject as parent to the collider objects.

2.2 Arrow Setup

  • I’m taking a simple black cube to represent an arrow; you can use any of your favorites.
  • Add a BoxCollider2D & a HingeJoint2D component to your Arrow object.

If you’ve never encountered HingeJoint component before, it works as a hinge joint like we use in doors & windows.

Spend some time to play with its properties to get your desired result.

Wheel Of Fortune Daily Spin

Wheel Of Fortune Daily Puzzle Answer

You can also refer to the Unity Docs for more detailed descriptions:

We’ve completed the scene setup now.

It should look something like this:

Step 3 Scripting

This time there’s only one script for us to worry about. (That’s a good thing, right?)


Before I start explaining the code, attach the script to your wheel GameObject so that you can see the effect of code. That will make things easier to understand.

3.1 Animation Curves

As you can see in the code I’m using Animation Curves to set the wheel in motion. You can set a variety of shapes in these curves to have various kinds of motions for your wheel.

Animation Curves look like something below:

To access the curves, click on the curve in the inspector tab.

Wheel Of Fortune Daily Puzzle

Also DO NOT forget to set the proper size of prize list.

Now to Update() method:

  • It contains 2 random numbers and a coroutine call: SpeenTheWheel()
  • itemNumber sets the item which will be under the arrow when the wheel stops.
  • maxAngle (or finalAngle)denotes what the final angle will be.

[Yes! We’ll know the result before spinning the wheel. But don’t worry; it’s still a mystery for our players.]

Let's check SpinTheWheel() coroutine:

  • At first the timer, startAngle and maxAngle are initialized.
  • After that a random animation curve is selected.

And the while loop inside:

  • The code inside is to calculate angle (rotation in z) for the wheel.
  • Here Evaluate() of animation curve gives the value of curve for given time.

The spinning logic for our wheel ends here.

Step 4 Conclusion

Now it’s up to you how to use the prize on the itemNumber that we get at the end (which we knew from the beginning :) ).

Now you know why we never got that so called 'BIG PRICE' or 'JACKPOT' EVER..!!

Now hit play and spin the wheel to see what you can win (Don’t cheat :P).

Simple isn’t it? If you still have any doubts leave a comment & I’ll be back (Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger would say!).

Also check out our other awesome Unity Tutorials right here.

Wheel Of Fortune Answers

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Created on : 07 July 2016

An Addictive Gamer turned into a Professional Game Developer. I work with Unity Engine. Part of TheAppGuruz Team. Ready to take on Challenging Games & increase my knowledge about Game Development.

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