Blackjack Switch Basic Strategy

I wonder, since the game is S17, if it's okay to use the same BS, that I would normally use for an 8D game? Are some BS changes still required, because of the 22 push rule?
I've played it pretty much the same way, as I would play a regular BJ game, using the count mostly for insurance purposes, I18 deviations, and some minor bet increases. So far, I haven't had too much luck with this game. I haven't lost a lot, a few times about broke even, and a few times lost about 10-15 bets, but I am under the impression that this game is not easy to beat. It's very tricky winning both hands, and that 22 push rule seems to be a huge killer.
Do you guys think that this game can be beaten? Any ideas about the proper BS for an 8D, S17 game?

Basic strategy is just the rocket booster. It gets the shuttle high enough in the atmosphere for the shuttle to do the rest of the work. The rocket booster never makes it to space. You’ll need counting, deviations, true count conversions and betting strategy to actually beat the game of blackjack but that’s for later. Gamblers who’ve ever thought it would be nice to swap their cards around from one hand to the next should play “blackjack switch”. In this game, the player is dealt two blackjack hands. After the deal, the gambler is allowed to switch the upcard between these two hands, increasing the strength of one or both hand combinations. Blackjack Switch strategy tool is available below. Select card values and calculator will tell you if the correct action is to do the switch or not. After switch decision, follow optimal blackjack switch strategy table presented on our blackjack switch review page. Blackjack switch is a blackjack variant which allows the player to do what is normally considered a classic cheating manoeuver, trading cards between two hands. The player must make two bets of equal size and is allowed to switch the second card dealt to each hand. Of course, nothing good comes without a trade-off.
With a 12 and 14, your Blackjack Switch basic strategy is to stand on the 14 but hit the 12. Because you are turning a stiff that you would stand on into a hand that you can take action on, this 12 has a chance of becoming a strong hand. The idea is to grab that opportunity to improve.
Blackjack is one of the most entertaining casino games, combining skill, analytical thinking and luck in one. To master the game and derive the greatest satisfaction from your gaming session, though, you need to turn to a proven blackjack strategy.
The good news is that the game offers depth, but it also relies on simple rules to help you familiarize yourself with it. We have prepared a blackjack basic strategy for you to find out more about the foundations of the game and pick the useful habits that will help you become a professional if you choose to.
Blackjack Switch Basic Strategy Definition

Blackjack Switch Strategy
The key to each blackjack strategy is practice as well as analyze your mistakes in a way that allows you to avoid them in the future. Once you are done with the blackjack basic strategy, you can switch to more sophisticated stratagems, such as card counting.

By choosing to stick to card counting and a blackjack strategy, you can improve the frequency and quality of your winnings. That said, you are about to discover both basic and advanced play in order to produce the best results you can during your own gaming sessions.